Image To Sketch Converter Free

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Image To Sketch Converter

Stage 1

Convert raw image to black and white

Stage 2

Convert raw image to black and white and blur it

Sketch Image

Image To Sketch Converter

Image Editor Tool Guide

1. Select an Image
Upload an Image to Edit:

Click on the "Choose Image" button.
Select an image file from your computer (JPEG, PNG, etc.).
The selected image will appear in the respective sections after processing.
2. Adjust Sketch Sharpness
Set the Sharpness Level:

Enter a numeric value (in pixels) in the "Sketch Sharpness" input box. This value controls the intensity of the blur effect applied to the sketch image.
3. Apply Filters and Generate Images
Convert and Generate Images:

Stage 1: Converts the uploaded image to grayscale.
Click the "Convert" button to apply this filter.
A black and white version of the image will appear in the "Stage 1" section.
Stage 2: Converts the image to grayscale, inverts it, applies a blur effect based on the sharpness value provided.
Click the "Convert" button to apply this filter.
A blurred black and white image will appear in the "Stage 2" section.
Sketch Image: Merges the results of Stage 1 and Stage 2 to create a sketch-like effect.
Click the "Convert" button to apply this filter.
The merged sketch image will appear in the "Sketch Image" section.
4. Download Images
Download the Processed Images:

Each image generated (Stage 1, Stage 2, and Sketch Image) includes a "Download" button below it.
Click the "Download" button to save the respective image with the label provided (Stage 1, Stage 2, or Sketch Image) as a PNG file.
5. Reset All
Clear Input and Output:

Click the "Reset" button to clear all inputs (file upload and sharpness value) and remove all generated images from the sections.
Adjust the "Sketch Sharpness" value to control the level of detail in the sketch image.
Experiment with different images and sharpness settings to achieve various artistic effects.
Ensure your browser supports the necessary features for optimal performance of the Image Editor Tool.

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