Free Word to PDF Converter as Text

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Convert Word To PDF as Text

Word to PDF Converter as Text

Step-by-Step Guide:

Prepare Your Word Document
Make sure you have the Microsoft Word document (.docx) you want to convert to PDF ready on your computer.

Select Your Word Document
Once the HTML file is opened in your web browser, you'll see a button labeled "Select a Word file to convert."
Click on this button to open the file selection dialog.
Navigate to the location on your computer where the Word document you want to convert is saved.

Select the Word document file (it should have a .docx extension) and click "Open" or "Select" to confirm your selection.

Convert to PDF

After selecting the Word document, you should see the name of the file displayed below the button.
Once the file is selected, click on the "Convert to PDF" button.
The conversion process will begin. You might see a brief loading indicator depending on the size of the Word document.

Download the Converted PDF
After the conversion is complete, the PDF file will automatically download to your computer.

Depending on your browser settings, you may be prompted to choose a location to save the PDF file, or it may be saved to your default download location automatically.

Once the download is finished, you can open the PDF file using any PDF viewer to review the converted document.

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